Tuesday, July 23, 2019

What Is Diff Between puts() And gets() in String

What Is Diff Between puts() And gets() in String:

what is diff between puts() and gets()

Difference between printf and puts:

The similarity is that both are used to display content on screen.

The difference is puts() is used to display only the strings. The printf() is used to display integer,float,character,hexa-decimal value as well as string.

The puts() print the output stream on new line withou using '\n'.

Difference between scanf and gets:-

gets() and scanf() both are used to received input from the users.

Scanf() function reads the input until it encountring a whitespace,newline or rnd of file.

gets() function reads the input until it encountring a newline of end of file. it consider white space as a part of string.
