we can divide a large program into the basic building blocks known as function.
By using function we can avoid rewrition of same code multiple times.
Syntax of Function:
return-type function-name(parameters list)
Their are mainly two types of function:-
1.Predefined function
2. Userdefined function
1.Predifined Function:
C having a some of their own functions like main(),getch(),puts(),printf(),etc. To use this function user will include header files.
2. Userdefined Function:
This function is created by the users accordinig to their needs.
Their are certain forms of function calling which are as follows:
1.Function without arguments and without return value.
2.Function without arguments and with return value.
3.Function with arguments and without return value.
4.Function with arguments and with return value.
1].Function without arguments and without return value:
In this form function does not passes any arguments or parameter and doesnot return any kind of value.
2].Function without arguments and with return value:
In this form of function does not passes any arguments or parameter but it returns some value.
3].Function with arguments anf without return vlaue:
In this form of function passes argument or parameter but does not return any value.
4].Function with arguments and with return value:
In this form of function passes arguments or parameter also returns some values.